Inspirational quote

Inspirational quote

4 Dec 2023

Interpreting quotations

"If the strands are not woven together effectively and well, the instructional loom will likely produce something small, weak, ragged, and pale and not recognizable as a tapestry at all " (Oxford. 2001).

This quotation metaphorically describes the importance of effective and well-integrated ​instructional strategies in the ​educational process. Comparing the process to a ​loom emphasizes that if the different strands of instruction are not woven together correctly, the outcome will be unsatisfactory.

The "strands" mentioned in the quotation represent various instruction components, such as ​lesson plans, ​teaching methods, learning materials, assessments, and student engagement. When these components are not effectively integrated, the instructional process becomes fragmented, resulting in a weak and inadequate outcome.

The phrase "something small, weak, ragged, and pale" implies that the end result of poor instructional integration will lack substance, cohesion, and vitality. It signifies that learners will need a more comprehensive and enriching educational experience. Furthermore, the mention of not being recognizable as a tapestry suggests that the intended goal of producing a cohesive and meaningful educational outcome will not be achieved.

Overall, this quotation reminds us of the importance of thoughtful and integrated instructional design. It highlights the need for educators to carefully weave together different instructional elements to create a rich and meaningful educational tapestry for learners.

"The mastery of discrete language skills such as reading and speaking is seen as the key to successful learning, and language learning is typically separate from content learning" (Mohan, 1986).

This quotation highlights a perspective on language learning that distinguishes it from content learning and emphasizes the significance of mastering specific language skills to achieve successful language acquisition.

The quotation suggests distinguishing between acquiring language skills, such as reading and speaking and developing content knowledge. This implies that language learning is often viewed as separate from learning other subjects or content areas.

Furthermore, the quotation asserts that mastering discrete language skills, such as reading and speaking, is crucial for successful language learning. It implies that these skills are seen as foundational and essential for overall language proficiency. It suggests that learners focus on developing these discrete language skills to become proficient in a particular language.

The quotation reflects a traditional approach to language learning, prioritising the acquisition of discrete language skills over integrating language learning with content learning. It suggests that language learning is a distinct domain requiring specific attention and instruction.

Overall, this quotation highlights the perspective that successful language learning relies on mastering discrete language skills and that language learning is often approached separately from content learning. However, it is essential to note that this may not represent all views on language learning, as different methodologies and approaches may prioritize integrating language and content learning.

Hinkel (2006) noted, “In an age of globalization, pragmatic objectives of language learning place an increased value on integrated and dynamic multiskill instructional models with a focus on meaningful communication and the development of learners’ communicative competence” (p. 113).

Hinkel (2006) speaks to the changing landscape of language learning in the context of globalization.

Globalization: Refers to the interconnectedness of the world, where communication and interaction between different cultures and languages become increasingly important.

Pragmatic objectives of language learning: In this globalized era, the goals of learning a language are becoming more practical and focused on real-world application rather than just academic proficiency.

Integrated and dynamic multiskill instructional models: Suggests that language learning methods should encompass various skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) in an interconnected way, adapting dynamically to the changing needs and contexts of communication.

Focus on meaningful communication: This approach emphasizes the importance of learning the language theoretically and using it in meaningful ways to convey ideas, thoughts, and emotions effectively.

Development of learners’ communicative competence: This indicator indicates the goal of nurturing learners' ability to communicate proficiently and appropriately in diverse situations rather than solely focusing on grammar and vocabulary.

Hinkel highlights the need for language learning methods beyond traditional approaches, emphasizing practical, dynamic, and integrated strategies prioritising effective communication in a globalized world.


Hinkel, E. (2006). Current perspectives on teaching the four skills. Tesol Quarterly, 40(1), 109-131.  

Mohan, B. (1986). Language and content. Addison Wesley.

Oxford, R. (2001). Integrated Skills in the ESL/EFL Classroom. ERIC Digest.

3 Dec 2023

Cranking up his Spanish

In this post, language educator Scott Thornbury recounts his journey learning Spanish. He has a background in language acquisition and pedagogy. Yet, he still needs help becoming fluent. Though motivated, Thornbury needed help with aspects of vocabulary and pronunciation. He credits his success to practising conversations and immersing himself in Spanish culture. Thornbury makes the often idealized process of learning another language. He does this by documenting the frustrations and breakthroughs. His reflections emphasize the significance of motivation. They also stress meaningful engagement with native materials and speakers. While expertise can inform expectations, language learning remains an imperfect, individualized process. The author shares his personal experience. He invites readers to reflect on their journey to bilingualism.

Further reading at his blog.

18 Oct 2023

Strategies for providing meaningful feedback and support to teachers based on their class observations.

Several strategies can be used to provide meaningful feedback and support to teachers based on their observations:

  1. Clear communication: Engage in open and transparent communication with teachers, clearly explaining the purpose and goals of the observation process. Set expectations and establish a collaborative approach to feedback and support.

  2. Focus on strengths and areas for improvement: Recognize and highlight teachers' strengths to boost their confidence. Identify specific areas for growth and improvement, offering constructive feedback that is clear, actionable, and focused on student learning outcomes.

  3. Reflective dialogue: Encourage a dialogue with teachers that promotes reflection and self-assessment. Discuss observations, allowing teachers to share their perspectives and insights and work together on strategies for improvement.

  4. Professional development opportunities: Identify relevant professional development opportunities, such as workshops, seminars, conferences, or online courses, that address the specific areas for improvement identified through observation. Support teachers in accessing and participating in these opportunities.

  5. Coaching and mentoring: Provide ongoing coaching and mentoring support to teachers. This can include regular one-on-one meetings to discuss progress, offer guidance, and provide resources or strategies to foster professional growth.

  6. Peer collaboration: Encourage teachers to engage in peer collaboration and peer observations. This allows teachers to learn from one another, share best practices, and receive peer support and feedback.

  7. Follow-up and progress monitoring: Regularly follow up with teachers to review progress, offer additional support if needed, and acknowledge growth and improvement. Continuously monitor and track the impact of feedback and support on teachers' professional development.

Establishing a culture of trust and support is crucial, where feedback is viewed as an opportunity for growth rather than judgment. Customizing feedback and support based on individual needs and providing ongoing opportunities for professional growth can effectively enhance teacher development.

15 Oct 2023

Curriculum development in language teaching

Curriculum development plays a crucial role in language teaching by providing a structured framework to guide educators' instructional practices. It involves designing, implementing, and evaluating language programs to facilitate practical language learning for students.

In the field of language teaching, curriculum development covers various aspects. Firstly, it involves creating clear and measurable learning objectives that meet the needs and abilities of students. This ensures that language instruction is purposeful and relevant. Secondly, curriculum development involves selecting appropriate teaching materials that promote language acquisition, such as textbooks, audiovisual resources, and online platforms. These resources should be engaging, culturally sensitive, and inclusive to cater to diverse learners.

Furthermore, curriculum development includes planning and organizing language activities and assessments. Educators can encourage active participation and meaningful language use by incorporating communicative tasks like role-plays, discussions, and projects. Assessment methods should be comprehensive and authentic, evaluating students' language skills in different contexts.

Additionally, curriculum development in language teaching requires continuous evaluation and revision. Feedback from students, teachers, and stakeholders helps educators adapt and improve their instructional practices based on changing needs. Staying updated on new teaching methodologies, research findings, and technological advancements can also enhance language learning outcomes.

In conclusion, curriculum development in language teaching is a dynamic and multifaceted process. It involves setting goals, selecting materials, planning activities, designing assessments, and continuously evaluating and revising the curriculum. By carefully designing and implementing a well-structured curriculum, educators can create valuable language learning experiences that empower students to effectively communicate in the target language.

2 Oct 2023

Applying Task-Based Approach to Syllabus Design

Regarding using authentic language through meaningful tasks using the target language fluently, teachers of EFL/ESL are often asked to develop task syllabuses. In this light, task definition is relevant in syllabus design, classroom teaching and learner assessment. It supports evident research agendas and has influenced educational policymaking in both EFL and ESL contexts. What is a task? The most cited definitions of a task are the following:

A task is a piece of classroom work that involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting with the target language. At the same time, their attention is focused on mobilising their grammatical knowledge to express meaning; and in which the intention is to convey meaning rather than to manipulate form. The task should also have a sense of completeness, being able to stand alone as a communicative act in its own right with a beginning, a middle and an end. (Nunan, 2004, p. 4) 

According to Willis (1996), "a task is an activity where the learner uses the target language for a communicative purpose (goal) to achieve an outcome" (p. 23). 

Richards & Rodgers (2001) define a task as "an activity or goal that is carried out using language, such as finding a solution to a puzzle, reading a map and giving directions, making a telephone call, writing a letter, or reading a set of instructions and assembling a toy" (p. 224). 

In addition, according to Richards & Rodgers (2001), Task-Based Language Teaching refers to an approach based on using tasks as a core unit of planning and instruction in language teaching (p. 223). 

Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) is an approach which offers students opportunities to actively engage in communication to achieve a goal or complete a task. TBLT seeks to develop students’ interlanguage by providing a task and then using language to solve it. It was first developed by N. Prabhu in Bangalore, Southern India. Prabhu believed that students may learn more effectively when their minds are focused on the task rather than the language they use.

(Prabhu, 1987; as cited in Littlewood, 2004, p. 323)

On the other hand, curriculum planners come forward systematically from needs analysis to goals and objectives to selection of the instructional content. It concerns Taba’s model of curriculum processes (1962, p. 12), which consists of Step 1: Diagnosis of needs; Step 2: Formulation of objectives; Step 3: Selection of content; Step 4: Organization of content; Step 5: Selection of learning experiences; Step 6: Organization of learning experiences; Step 7: Determination of what to evaluate and means to assess. 

 Steps 3 and 4 are usually known as syllabus design in language teaching. Ellis (2002) claims that "course design is concerned with the selection and sequencing of content the ‘what’ of teaching. As such, it contrasts with ‘methodology’, which addresses the ‘how’ of teaching. ‘course design’ and ‘methodology’ comprise the language curriculum" (p. 79). 

Richards (1997) argues that conceptions of the nature of a syllabus are closely related to the view of language and second language learning (p. 9). He also said that syllabuses have become more communicative because of the movement toward communicative theories of language and learning. There are different types of syllabi in modern EFL/ESL courses and materials, such as Structural (organised primarily around grammar and sentence patterns), Functional (organised around communicative functions, such as identifying, reporting, correcting, and describing), Notional (organised around conceptual categories, such as duration, quantity, location); Topical (organised around themes or topics, such as health, food, clothing); Situational (organised around speech settings and the transactions associated with them, such as shopping, at the bank, at the supermarket); Skill-based (organised around skills, such as listening for gist, listening for specific information, listening for inferences); Task or activity-based (organised around activities, such as drawing maps, following directions or instructions) 

A Task-based syllabus is organized around tasks students will complete in the target language. According to Nunan (1989), tasks can be: 

  1. Real-world tasks (Situational and interactional authenticity): Reading a map and giving directions; Reading a set of instructions and assembling an item; Conducting a survey; Conducting a search of databases for articles.

  2. Pedagogical tasks (Interactional authenticity): Jigsaw task; Information-gap task; Problem-solving task; Decision-making task; Opinion-exchange task. 

In conclusion, applying the task-based approach to syllabus design focuses on process rather than product. The essential elements are purposeful activities and tasks that emphasise communication and meaning. Likewise, learners learn language by interacting communicatively and purposefully while engaged in the activities and tasks. In addition, activities and tasks can be either those that learners might need to achieve in real life or have a pedagogical purpose specific to the classroom and are sequenced according to difficulty. The difficulty of a task depends on a range of factors, including the learner's previous experience, the task's complexity, the language required to undertake the task, and the degree of support available.  


Ellis, R. (2002). The methodology of task-based teaching. Kansai University Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 4, 79-101.

Littlewood, W. (2004). The task-based approach: Some questions and suggestions. ELT Journal, 58(4), 319-326.

Nunan, D. (1989). Designing tasks for the communicative classroom. Cambridge University Press.

Nunan, D. (2004). Task-based language teaching. Cambridge University Press. 

Richards, J. C. (1997). The language teaching matrix. Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2001). Approaches and methods in language teaching(2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.

Taba, H. (1962). Curriculum development: Theory and practice. Harcourt, Brace & World.

Willis, J. (1996-2021). A framework for task-based learning. Intrinsic Books Ltd.

10 Feb 2023

English Language Teaching in South America: Policy, Preparation and Practices. Review.

Benegas (2022) argues that "English language teaching in South America is usually absent in international publications or at least publications located in 'the centre'. Now and then, we may read articles or book chapters that are part of international perspectives volumes on a given aspect of ELT authored."

That is true. Despite the large number of English language learners and teachers in South America, there needs to be more representation and recognition of their experiences in international ELT publications. This absence can marginalise their perspectives and voices and limit opportunities for exchange and collaboration between different regions in the field. 

However, it is essential to note that in recent years, there has been an increasing effort to address this imbalance and highlight ELT professionals' diverse experiences and perspectives from all regions. It has been achieved through international conferences, online forums, and social media groups, where South American ELT professionals can share their knowledge and discuss with their peers from other countries. Additionally, there have been efforts to publish more articles and book chapters focusing on ELT in South America to increase the visibility and recognition of the region's contributions to the field.

Reference: Banegas, D. L. (2022). English Language Teaching in South America: Policy, Preparation and Practices. Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics - ISSN 2314-3576, 5(2), 40–42. Google link

9 Aug 2021

Remote teaching during a pandemic

McAleavy et al. (2020) stated, "Online teaching should not try to mimic the entirely synchronous teacher-student engagement of the conventional school." Considering access to technology and teachers' digital literacy and not assuming all students can access a desktop or laptop, some could access remote learning through a mobile phone or tablet. A structured approach is always better than using as much learning technology as possible.

To continue reading this article, click here.

2 Jun 2021

QUESTIONS: Who are those students? What are their ages and English levels? Do they have opportunities to practice English outside of the classroom?

Let me tell you a bit about my teaching context. I teach English and French to undergraduate students in the Law and Politics science school at UNMSM and Didactics of EFL to teacher-students in the education school at UNE-EGyV in Lima, Peru.

The number of students is varied, between 15 and 45 per class. All of them are adults, and their age range is 18 to 35. Their English level is elementary for EFL/FLE courses, and they cannot apply their language learning outside class. However, pre-service English teachers may improve their communication skills in English during class and teaching practice. The level of English is a bit low, A1 / A2/ B1, for prospective teachers.

Most support to my teaching job is giving teacher-students different ways of comprehending and interpreting new insights introduced in class. I also give EFL/FLE students language support and communication skills to engage in their tasks or perform them.

There are many challenges foreign language teachers face every lesson; one is to teach a compulsory course that students have to pass and get credits, but they would prefer something else. Nevertheless, contextualizing and adapting "materials and activities that meet [these] students at their current level of knowledge and ability (World Learning, 2018)" making their learning experiences more meaningful and valuable, I notice unpredictable learning outcomes.

3 Jan 2021


Given by Victor Hugo Rojas B. at the 5th International Workshop on Foreign Languages, Communication and Culture (WEFLA 2006) in Holguín, Cuba.


According to Todd (n.d.), many EFL educatorsbelieve that teaching is an intuitive art that can only be learned through practice and, thus, that theories are of no concern to the practising teacher”. Stubbs (1986; as cited in Todd, n.d.) argues that “all teaching is based on theories, whether these theories are personally created or derived from general principles”. The presentation has arisen from applying case studies to present ELT rationales in teacher education and encountering appropriate ways to demonstrate their applicability to practice. Therefore, this presentation will demonstrate how to enable pre/in-service EFL trainees to implement general theoretical principles in a wide range of practical situations, encouraging critical reflection and developing decision-making and problem-solving skills.


Recently, ELT teacher education programs in Peru have focused on providing pre- and in-service EFL teachers with opportunities to develop critical reflection, decision-making, problem-solving, and analysis of teaching practice. The presentation has arisen from applying case studies to present ELT rationales in teacher education and encountering appropriate ways to demonstrate their relevance to practice. Dudley-Evans & St. John (1998) affirm that the case study approach suggests apprentices “some aspect of a real-life scenario, through which they can apply and integrate knowledge, skills, theory, and any experience" (p.192). Teacher educators may lack the resources and time to have their trainees observe practising teachers implementing the theories the trainees are currently studying. The case study approach is a way to simulate this process and to allow the teacher educator to assess how trainees are applying theoretical knowledge.

We aim to find effective teaching theoretical content in our ELT teacher education courses as language educators. This presentation demonstrates and describes case studies in the Didactics of EFL course in the ELT teacher education program. The presenter has included descriptions of the context, participants, classroom procedures, lesson plan, and students' responses to their experiences to understand how to integrate this approach into language teacher education programs. Likewise, teacher educators will experiment with this approach to obtain trainees' successful responses.


At the workshop, attendees will get appropriate guidance as they reflect upon the situation, attempt to analyze them, and are encouraged to collaborate with their peers and the presenter as they discuss the alternatives and develop their approaches to the situation. Furthermore, trainees will develop solutions to the problems and challenges presented in the cases based on the information provided, group discussion, and prior knowledge and experience. Thus, the workshop develops participants' problem-solving abilities while preparing them to think about their teaching and classroom realities.

References and further reading:

Dudley-Evans, T., & St. John, M. J. (1998). Developments in English for specific purposes: A multi-disciplinary approach. Cambridge University Press. Google Scholar

Kleinfeld, J. (1990). The Case Method in Teacher Education: Alaskan Models. ERIC Digest. Google Scholar

Stubbs, M. (1986)Educational Linguistics. Blackwell Publishers.

Todd, R. W. (n.d.). Applying theory to practice. Google Scholar

P.D. Recently, APA 7th ed. compliant.

20 Feb 2019

Celebrating our Eight Year Anniversary!

PETsNet was launched in 2011 with high expectations, hopes, and prospects to support and empower English and educators teachers in creating an academic and social network. 

From the first, PETsNet is currently engaged in Language Teacher Education, Teacher Training, Professional Development, Personal Learning Network, and ICT in Education, and aims to inspire, innovate, empower, & transform English teachers' professional development nationwide and worldwide. 

Year-on-year, hundreds of English teachers have visited and/or joined the PETsNet Ning network, where we willingly meet colleagues from all over Peru and different parts of the world. All or part of their professional experiences and contributions are freely published on the PETsNet Ning platform. One thing is for sure: our firm belief is that working together for the common good is our task. 

This Eighth Anniversary points the way to the fulfilment of the mission of this challenging project. Today, the number of PETsNeters has increased, including novice and experienced English teachers from different schools, language centres, institutes, universities, etc. 

As always, we are immensely grateful to RELO Andes, the US Embassy, and Fulbright Peru for all the solidarity and support and to all users and friends of PETsNet.

P.S. Please leave your greeting messages here.

5 Jan 2018

Controversial narrative

This has been an endless polemical debate, the importance of which is evident in the mandatory participation of the Ministry of Education (#MINEDU) of Peru.
"Non-native grassroots SS teachers of EFL do not need to be reminded of the problems they have, or might eventually develop, with their English proficiency and fluency. They know what they are; they suffer acutely because of them. These teachers need help with resolving their language problems, and they need that help before they are asked to implement innovations which require certain proficiency levels." (Rainey, 2017, p. 128)

25 Nov 2017

Rigor in the World Language Classroom - An Interview with Robert Harrell

"If we keep telling them what the conclusion is, then... we are not allowing them to really create that mental representation of the language that is necessary for true acquisition of the language." (Harrell, 2016)
Language teachers struggling with coordinators about engagement and rigour in their classrooms should read this interview:

24 Apr 2017

A Principal's Reflections: Competencies vs. Skills

"Competencies include a dynamic combination of abilities, attitudes, and behaviours, as well as the knowledge fundamental to the use of a skill aligned to a learning outcome."

Further reading at:

A Principal's Reflections: Competencies vs. Skills: The 21st-century skills discussion and debate have waged on even before the onset of this century.  The ensuing conversations have provided...

8 Apr 2017

A World of Englishes: English: no longer an official EU language?

"...these Englishes we are talking about here are not 'British English', or even 'American English'. The English spoken worldwide may be based on one or other variety, but they have developed their own vocabulary and grammar." (J. Setter, 2016)

A World of Englishes: English: no longer an official EU language?: In the fallout from Brexit, it has been suggested that English could stop being the official language of the EU. Is this likely to happen?...

A World of Englishes: You say "lee-doh", I say "lye-doh" ...

"Lido is an Italian word which we have borrowed into English, as with so many other words which help us to express a multi-word concept ("out-door swimming pool", in this case) with one word. English is fine about borrowing other words as long as there is a gap to fill." (J. Setter, 2017)

A World of Englishes: You say "lee-doh" I say "lye-doh." ...: When I was a child, visiting Margate Lido was quite a fun thing on a summer's day. My dad had an early morning newspaper stand outside...