Inspirational quote

Inspirational quote

13 Mar 2011

Why should teachers be using Twitter?

Twitter is a part of building our PLN (Professional Learning Network). About two years ago, looking for new ways to enhance my teaching and learning strategies, I found Twitter. My Twitter ID is @victorhugor. Since I started tweeting, my Twitter stream became less social and more academic or professional. I mean, as a teacher educator, I'm using Twitter to share knowledge/information, resources, and point of view; answer questions; socialize among colleagues; as well as, provide support/encouragement in my PD (Professional Development).

Willing to help and collaborate with Peruvian novice/professional colleagues, I've recently signed up for a Twitter account for PETsNET. Have you all got a Twitter account yet? I'm looking forward to reading your tweets. I think If you don't try it, you will never be able to know what it is about.

According to Professor Baker, "Twitter means connections, and connections mean access to current, up-to-date information. To be clear: Twitter is a fundamental part of my PLN. To be without it would be similar to losing sight in one eye…"

And Justin Tarte's answer to the question is: "to learn, share and collaborate in the perfect path toward growth and development."

Now, watch this inspirational video and answer the question.

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